Category Archives: Weight

Post baby bellies

I was looking through the Baby Center web site when I came across this page – Post Baby Bellies.  *WARNING:  View web link at your own risk; not for those with strongly negative body image issues.* 

Wish I had that warning when I clicked on the link.  Let me say it did wonders to my self esteem.  The majority of the women who posted pictures of their post baby bellies actually had none.  If the web site thinks they are going to make all the normal bodied mothers out there feel comfortable about their after baby bellies by allowing these freaks of nature to post pictures of their non-existent baby bellies then they are sadly mistaken.  On the other hand, if they want to encourage mothers to head to the nearest plastic surgeon, then this is a great web site. 

Yes, I’m a jealous, bitter woman!

Although I have managed to lose most of the baby weight (in fact I think I weigh less than I did before I started having kids), after incubating, birthing, and nursing three babies, my body, as I consider it, is deformed!  *Okay “deformed” is a harsh description, but it’s my body and I’ll think of it the way I please.*  Kate Gosselin’s description of her stomach after giving birth to sextuplets, “jowls of a dog,” is the best way to describe my post baby belly too.  Lol… try not to picture it please.  It is not pretty.  *Again, I might be exaggerating a bit, but like I said before, it is my body blah, blah, blah…*  Now, please don’t think I’m trying to fish for compliments here.  There are days, albeit after much struggle and tears, I manage to get myself to look decent.  It takes a lot of work to camouflage all the baby fat that has redeposited itself on to other parts of my body in addition to my belly, giving me those “lovely” saddlebags/muffin tops, etc, but I do manage it.

Anyway, my point to this post is that most mothers out there do not have bellies like Heidi Klum.  For most mothers, my MIL excluded (she’s had six kids and still looks fabulous in a bikini where as you would not catch me dead in one anymore… not that you would want to either), their stomachs show the wear, tear, and sag of their pregnancy scars, and that is okay… you are normal, you are human.  To those mother’s whose bellies can give a supermodel a run for their money, I hate you… and I mean this in the nicest of ways.  Wish I could have a belly like yours.  Btw, I have to give props to the normal bodies women who posted their pictures on Baby Center.  You are strong and brave and I’m proud of you.  If it weren’t for your pictures I would think something was wrong with me and my mommy tummy and I probably would be hiding under a rock.  Thank you.

Now can somebody recommend a good plastic surgeon to me?  😉

Sliver of light in the darkness

I’ve been out of sorts lately… just feeling completely miserable.  It’s gotten so bad that I actually hid in the closet today so that I could cry my heart out in peace.  Several reasons for this…

1.  My stagnant weight loss.  I only have 5 more pounds to lose in order to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but for the past month my weight has remained constant.  I guess I should be happy it is not going up, but it is still a bit disheartening to get on the scale every week (yes, I’m obsessed) and see that there has been no weight loss.  Okay, I know I should be working out if I want to see this weight gone, but give me a break.  I am a mother of not one, not two, but three kids under the age of five.  By the time my husband comes home from work, which is usually late, I am exhausted and all I want to do is crawl into bed.  Besides, I thought breastfeeding would help me burn some of that fat.  Guess I thought wrong.

2.  William and I had a talk about our finances again.  It wasn’t looking too good especially considering I am planning a trip to Canada to attend my cousin’s graduation this summer.  Although William thinks this trip is a luxury, I consider it a necessity.  This is my beloved cousin’s graduation from college.  It is a big deal to me and the rest of my family.  My parents and my sister will be attending the graduation as well.  I have warned William about this trip for over a year and I have told him that there will be no argument about it… I am going to that graduation!  Of course this means we will have to cut back on some of our other plans, i.e. sending Aidan to summer camp, and scaling down Aidan’s fourth birthday celebration.  Sadly, we have decided to have a low key (just within the family) celebration for him and have opted out of renting the bounce house.  I feel horrible since he really enjoyed the bounce house we got for Mark’s birthday and I had promiseed that he could get the bounce house for his birthday.  I’m just hoping that when his birthday comes around he will have forgotten about the bounce house and maybe just enjoy whatever we managed to do for him.  I think he will be okay with it, but that doesn’t stop me from feeling terrible for short changing my little man.

3.  Back to my earlier post.  I am extremely upset about the idea of putting Caitlin in daycare.  This is what causes me the most grief.  Another thing to add to my worry is that Caitlin refuses to drink from a bottle.  She would rather cry for hours than take a bottle.  Last night William made a futile attempt to feed her.  After an hour and a half of trying she had only drunk half an ounce.  It was miserable.  If William had so much trouble feeding her, I don’t know how the care giver at the day care will handle it.  All I keep thinking about is how this woman has five to six other infants to take care of.  She is not going to have the time or the patience to try and feed my baby.  She may even let my baby go to sleep hungry and upset rather than fight with her to eat.  I just can’t handle thinking about this.  Add to all this the image I have in my head of the sad face Caitlin makes just before she starts crying.  That is what I see when I picture dropping Caitlin off at the daycare.  How will I be able to work if that is what she does when I drop her off?  How will I be able to get through my day worrying if she is getting enough to eat?  How will I be able to live with myself if I feel like Caitlin is suffering without me?  So many questions and worries in my head and none of them have an answer or a solution.

Yet if I don’t work I will be back to having the same finance discussion with William, and Aidan and Mark will suffer because we won’t be able to afford to send them to preschool.  Which brings me to the next reason for my misery…

4.  I will have to settle for a teaching position that I may not be happy with.  I really want to teach in a middle school but currently all the openings are for high school.  If I had the luxury of waiting I may get a job that I like.  But, I don’t have that luxury, so I will have to accept whatever offer I get.  Not very promising.

Amidst my tears I read this article in the Arizona Republic about a mother dying of cancer.  It made me realize that even thought I feel like my life isn’t the greatest right now, at least I have my health, my kids who drive me crazy, and a husband who loves me regardless of how fat I am.  This does not mean that I am not going to bitch and moan about putting Caitlin in daycare, but I may learn to deal with it.  I am not going to stop worrying and lamenting about everything I missing out on by having a stranger watch my little girl, but at least at the end of the day my kids still have parents to come home to.  And, even though I may miss out on watching my child while I work, at least I have lifetime to make memories with her, the rest of my kids, and my husband.

In response to Weighing In

I have had several comments made in response to the post on my emotional break down due to my ever increasing weight.  (See:  May 31, 2007, Weighing in… update).  First of all I want thank everyone for their concern and support.  Your words of encouragement really mean a lot to me.  Secondly, I just want you to know that I was not seeking attention or sympathy when I wrote the post.  Writing the post served as a cathartic experience and helped me deal with the demon that plagued me… at least for the most part.  This is not to say that I am over my weight issue, but for the most part I am trying to be positive about it knowing that I have done my best trying to control the weight gain.  It also helps a tad bit that every now and then my husband mentions how much better I look this pregnancy compared to my previous two.  Which makes me wonder, “How big of a whale did I look like when I was pregnant with Aidan and Mark?”  There goes that blasted demon again… let’s not even go there.

Anyways, for those of you who are interested, here is an update on my pregnancy so far.  At 32 weeks I had an ultrasound to check on the length of my cervix.  Turns out my cervix has softened.  For those of you unfamiliar with the pregnancy mumble jumble, a softened cervix is the beginning stage of labor.  I believe it also called effacing.  After that comes dilation and contractions, and then the great pushing, and finally the baby.  Although I have not been put on bed rest, I have been told to take it easy.  This means no more working out for me.  🙁  I have had a hard time dealing with the fact that I can’t work out especially in the face of my ballooning weight, but like I said earlier, I’m trying to stay positive about this.  Damn that demon!  Who cares if I gain 40 lbs and look like I swallowed the whole whale, at least my baby will be healthy, and most importantly, not premature.  🙂   

I will be 34 weeks tomorrow (Sunday, July 29, 2007), which means I only have two more weeks to go before the baby is considered full term and we are in the clear.  Yay!  I can’t wait to see my baby girl.  I already believe that she will have my nose.  Oh, I’m so excited.

PS:  At the last ultrasound, we found out that the baby weighed 4 lbs 2 oz.

Weighing in…. update

I had an emotional break down yesterday.  The reason… my weight, as usual!

I started my progesterone shots three weeks ago.  Knowing that these shots will make me gain weight that is additional to what I gain with being pregnant, I increased my workouts from 3 days a week to 5-6 days a week, between 20-40 minutes a session, making sure I burned between 250-500 calories each session.  There are days when I am just so exhausted all I want to do is go to sleep, but I still drag my weary body to the elliptical and work out.  Sadly, all this exercising has done nothing to lessen the weight gain.  Hence the breakdown.  In the last two weeks I have gained five pounds and I am miserable.

Granted, the first week I got my progesterone shot, I indulged myself in a huge slab of Tiramisu during the course of that week (hey, I am pregnant) which could explain some of the two pounds I gained that week, but since then I have tried to be on good eating behavior, limiting my sugar intake and trying to eat less.  So my only explanation for gaining the three pounds this week is that it has something to do with the progesterone shot.

How can I be so sure that it is the progesterone shot making me gain all the additional weight you ask?  Well, I weighed myself on Wednesday to give the nurse that administers my shots an accurate measurement (the nurse comes to my house to give me the shot).  I also weigh myself (I know I’m obsessed) on Sundays for my own weight tracking chart.  It is within those four days that my weight jumped three pounds.  I know that I am supposed to gain weight when I am pregnant, but for all the activity I do, I should be gaining the normal one pound a week, not three!  So yes, I do blame the progesterone for my excessive weight gain.

Hence the reason for my breakdown yesterday.  It just seems that no matter what I try to do to control my weight gain, it’s not working.  It is out of my hands.  I am just going to gain weight incontrollable, no matter how much I exercise and/or cut my food intake.  🙁   Another reason for my misery, William predicted that I am going to gain 40 pounds this pregnancy.  Looking at the way I am gaining weight, he is going to be right.  My desire to prove him wrong was one of my motivations to keep my weight gain low, but now that I have no control on my weight gain, all my hopes to not gain 40 lbs+ has been thrown out the window, because I know that it’s not going to happen.

Additionally, these shots have me on an emotional roller coaster.  Everything gets to me.  It’s horrible.  I find myself depressed for reasons I cannot explain, and the kids have been a major source for my annoyance.  I mean, I yell at them for everything, when before I used to just let some things pass because it was not worth yelling about.  For example, a couple of days ago, I was yelling at Aidan for not finishing his yogurt.  Come on, how stupid was that.  But like my weight, I cannot seem to control my anger.

Your next question is, why don’t I just stop doing the shots?  My answer, I don’t want to.  All I have to do is remember Aidan’s birth and there is no way in hell I will risk having another premature baby.  Aidan was born at 33 weeks.  I didn’t even get a chance to hold him when he was born.  Instead he was whisked away to NICU.  When I finally got a chance to see him for the first time, he had wires all over him and he was hooked up to all sorts of weird machines.  For a first time mom seeing her newborn in such a position, it was heartbreaking.  I just stood by his crib crying, afraid to hold him due to fear that he might break.  Granted he came out of it okay and now is a three year old monster, but there is no way that I ever want to go through that again.

Aidan’s First DayAidan at birth

So I will bear the painful shots that leave my butt sore for days, the crazy, uncontrollable weight gain, and the mood swings.  And my husband will have to learn to deal with and be supportive of my weekly meltdowns.  And you my dear reader (assuming I have any), will have to put up with reading additionally postings of me complaining about my weight.  All this torture just so that I can have a full- term, healthy baby girl… and it will be worth it in the end!  At least that is what I tell myself to prevent another full blown crying session.  *SIGH*  And yes, I will keep working out, with the hope that once the baby is born, all this weight will be just a little bit easier to lose.  *DOUBLE SIGH*

The great weigh in

Ugh!  Forget the nausea, the constipation, the fatigue, etc, the worse part about being pregnant is the constant weight gain that does not stop until after the baby is born.  I always cringe at the doctor’s office as the nurse moves the weight on the scale higher and higher.  Definitely not fun!  My petite frame does not handle this weight gain with the greatest of dignity.  After I’ve put on a couple of pounds, I look like I have swallowed a baby hippo or maybe a baby whale.

At my last visit to the doctor, the midwife cheerfully mentioned how most women tend to look bigger earlier with each subsequent pregnancy.  Great!  On a more positive note, I have been doing much better with my weight this time around.  Although I still look like I have swallowed the baby whale, I can happily say that at eighteen weeks, I am eight pounds lighter than when I was at the same stage of pregnancy with Mark (I didn’t keep a weekly record of my weight when I was pregnant with Aidan… silly me).  Other than the tub of ice cream I had last night and half a loaf of french bread slathered with butter that I had this morning, for the most part I have been good with not giving into my carbs and sugar cravings.  At least I am trying to be good.

At my first visit, the doctor recommended that I keep my weight gain within 25-35 lbs.  I just laughed at him.  After gaining 50+ lbs when I was pregnant with Mark, would I really be able to keep my weight gain under 35 lbs.  It has now become my goal is to do exactly that… I am trying my best not to gain more than 35 lbs.  More importantly, I aim to prove my husband, who so “tactfully” commented that I will end up gaining at least 40 lbs this pregnancy, wrong!  Of course, this is easier said than done, considering the doctor will have me start using progesterone soon. 

*Aside:  Because Aidan was born early, I am considered a high risk pregnancy.  According to the doctor, using progesterone has been shown to decrease the chances of having a premature baby by at least 50%.  On the flip side, progesterone cause one to gain weight… a lot of weight.  Just what I need right now!*

Anyway, time will tell how well I manage my weight with this pregnancy and if I achieve my goal.  With 22 weeks to go, stay tuned for the continuing saga that is my weight.  And, if I do meet my goal, I am going to celebrate with a huge piece of chocolate cake smothered in ice cream.  😀