Category Archives: Baby Center

Post baby bellies

I was looking through the Baby Center web site when I came across this page – Post Baby Bellies.  *WARNING:  View web link at your own risk; not for those with strongly negative body image issues.* 

Wish I had that warning when I clicked on the link.  Let me say it did wonders to my self esteem.  The majority of the women who posted pictures of their post baby bellies actually had none.  If the web site thinks they are going to make all the normal bodied mothers out there feel comfortable about their after baby bellies by allowing these freaks of nature to post pictures of their non-existent baby bellies then they are sadly mistaken.  On the other hand, if they want to encourage mothers to head to the nearest plastic surgeon, then this is a great web site. 

Yes, I’m a jealous, bitter woman!

Although I have managed to lose most of the baby weight (in fact I think I weigh less than I did before I started having kids), after incubating, birthing, and nursing three babies, my body, as I consider it, is deformed!  *Okay “deformed” is a harsh description, but it’s my body and I’ll think of it the way I please.*  Kate Gosselin’s description of her stomach after giving birth to sextuplets, “jowls of a dog,” is the best way to describe my post baby belly too.  Lol… try not to picture it please.  It is not pretty.  *Again, I might be exaggerating a bit, but like I said before, it is my body blah, blah, blah…*  Now, please don’t think I’m trying to fish for compliments here.  There are days, albeit after much struggle and tears, I manage to get myself to look decent.  It takes a lot of work to camouflage all the baby fat that has redeposited itself on to other parts of my body in addition to my belly, giving me those “lovely” saddlebags/muffin tops, etc, but I do manage it.

Anyway, my point to this post is that most mothers out there do not have bellies like Heidi Klum.  For most mothers, my MIL excluded (she’s had six kids and still looks fabulous in a bikini where as you would not catch me dead in one anymore… not that you would want to either), their stomachs show the wear, tear, and sag of their pregnancy scars, and that is okay… you are normal, you are human.  To those mother’s whose bellies can give a supermodel a run for their money, I hate you… and I mean this in the nicest of ways.  Wish I could have a belly like yours.  Btw, I have to give props to the normal bodies women who posted their pictures on Baby Center.  You are strong and brave and I’m proud of you.  If it weren’t for your pictures I would think something was wrong with me and my mommy tummy and I probably would be hiding under a rock.  Thank you.

Now can somebody recommend a good plastic surgeon to me?  😉

Belly laughs

I get weekly baby updates from  The emails are often closed with a sectioned called “Belly Laughs” which usually have funny statements and/or images dealing with pregnancy and motherhood.  Here are a few pictures that made my belly laugh.

I can definitely relate to this one, especially when the boys drive me crazy!


This next image does not even apply to me, but how I wish to be the mom who does not look like she swallowed a house.
