Category Archives: The Voices Speak

Brand new girlfriend – Steve Holy

Every time I hear this song I think of William… specifically this line, “my buddy’s always welcome here.”

William loves to annoy me by saying that I don’t like it when he invites his friends over.  Obviously he is playing around with my words to make it so it suits him.  I have never told him that he could not invite his friends over.  What I had requested was that he help me clean up the house if and when he invited his friends to come hang out.  He has yet to invite friends over and I can give you one good guess why.  Of course that doesn’t stop him from accusing me of not wanting him to bring his friends over.  He’d rather do that than acknowledge the fact that he does not like to help me clean the house.

Anyway, you should watch the video for the song.  I think it is hilarious.  Enjoy.

Brand New Girlfriend – Steve Holy


Lately Aidan has been pretty interested in his anatomy — namely the part of his body that makes him different from a girl.  A couple of days ago, while William was getting him dressed for Montessori, he had the following conversation with his dad:

Daddy, I am a boy.  I have a pee-pee. 
(He stops and thinks for a little while.) 
Today is Show-and-Share day in school.

Oh boy!  Wonder where he was going with that last thought.  🙂

Second thoughts

William, my editor-in-chief, made a comment about my last post.  According to him, the recent post does not compare to the caliber of my other posts.  In one word, it was “boring!”  My answer to him:  I didn’t write this post to please anyone.  I wrote it because I wanted to get it off my chest with the hopes that it would help me get over my depression. 

Which begs the question, has writing the post helped?  My answer:  yes and no.  I’m slowly getting over my misery but it is not completely gone away and I doubt that I will get rid of it soon.  There are always thoughts of things I could have done or should have done that creep into my mind and bring me back to my feelings of inadequacy.  Doesn’t help much that William has to ask me as often as possible, how my state mind is, is it better than it was 5 days ago, am I happy… etc.  I know he means well, but every time he asks me these questions I am just reminded of everything I want to forget.

I’m trying really hard to think positively.  Like I’ve said before, everything happens for a reason.  This being said, considering classroom management is my weakness, facing this experience will only help make me a better teacher.  William tells me to look at this experience as a teacher’s boot camp, and that is how I’m trying to view it.  What doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger… right?  Right!

Halloween 2008

I love Halloween but not for the candy.  I love Halloween because it is fun to dress up the kids in costumes and watch as they go from house to house delighted about the candy they are receiving.  More importantly, I love Halloween because it heralds the coming of the holiday season.  Soon we will have Veteran’s day, and Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.  All wonderful holidays spent with family and loved ones.  Holidays that I’m especially looking forward to this year since my new job has sapped any and all time I have to spend with them.

Halloween this year is probably going to be my most memorable because I ended up hobbling down the streets and going to bed with a throbbing foot and barley being able to walk.  I had managed to twist my foot (heard some cracking in the process too) while doing cross walk duty at work.  I could have sat Halloween out but then Caitlin would not have been able to go trick-or-treating since William already had his hands full with Mark and Aidan.  I also didn’t want to miss out on seeing my boys delight as they went from door-to-door gathering their goodies.  So I limped down the streets Caitlin in tow watching as she marveled in her freedom to run up and down the sidewalks. 

Needless to say by the time I got home I could barely stand.  I was terrified that I had broken my foot and then aggravated the situation by going trick-or-treating with the kids.  Went to sleep with a bag of frozen peas on my foot and woke up the next day with my foot feeling miraculously better.  Thank goodness.  Still limping about a bit because the foot still hurts a bit but I think with time it will feel better.

I know it was dumb to do what I did cause I could have done some serious damage to my foot but I loved watching my kids enjoying their Halloween.  If I had to do it all again with my foot in such a condition, I would do it in a heart beat!  Leaving you with some pictures of the kids in their Halloween costume and trick-or-treating.  Enjoy.

Halloween 2008
Click on image to view more pictures

One step closer to being potty trained

It finally happened.  On Thursday, October 6, 2008, Mark finally pooped in the potty, and except for the accident he had this afternoon right after he got up from his nap, he has been pooping in the potty ever since. 

I know he has pooped in the potty before, but they were never a bowel cleansing experience and he always ended up finishing his business in the diaper.  In the past months of his potty training he would pee in the potty fine but he had some unknown fear of pooping in the potty.  When he needed to go he would start holding his butt and crying that his butt was hurting.  Eventually, afraid that he may end up giving himself constipation, William or I would give in and put him in a diaper and let him poop in there.

On that eventful Thursday Mark started to do the same song and dance about needing to poop.  This time when I asked him to try pooping on the potty he went willingly and did the deed… and it was a hearty deed!  I started singing and dancing with joy and brought William in to see Mark’s accomplishment.  Even William, who normally has no desire to see such things, was eager to see what Mark produced.  Oh, and Mark was rewarded by getting the “poop” car that William had been taunting him with for the past month.

I don’t know what made Mark get over his aversion to pooping in the potty but both William and I are excited that we are that much closer to having one less child in diapers.  Yay!!!!  😀

Mark on the potty
Mark proudly pooping in the potty