One step closer to being potty trained

It finally happened.  On Thursday, October 6, 2008, Mark finally pooped in the potty, and except for the accident he had this afternoon right after he got up from his nap, he has been pooping in the potty ever since. 

I know he has pooped in the potty before, but they were never a bowel cleansing experience and he always ended up finishing his business in the diaper.  In the past months of his potty training he would pee in the potty fine but he had some unknown fear of pooping in the potty.  When he needed to go he would start holding his butt and crying that his butt was hurting.  Eventually, afraid that he may end up giving himself constipation, William or I would give in and put him in a diaper and let him poop in there.

On that eventful Thursday Mark started to do the same song and dance about needing to poop.  This time when I asked him to try pooping on the potty he went willingly and did the deed… and it was a hearty deed!  I started singing and dancing with joy and brought William in to see Mark’s accomplishment.  Even William, who normally has no desire to see such things, was eager to see what Mark produced.  Oh, and Mark was rewarded by getting the “poop” car that William had been taunting him with for the past month.

I don’t know what made Mark get over his aversion to pooping in the potty but both William and I are excited that we are that much closer to having one less child in diapers.  Yay!!!!  😀

Mark on the potty
Mark proudly pooping in the potty

One thought on “One step closer to being potty trained

  1. Susan

    This is so exciting and just think in 20 years Mark can be mortified when he see’s this pix and the blog that went out to thousands!

    He looks so happy in the picture, so pleased with his accomplishment.

    I love these stories.

    Tigerbutt says: My success as a mom is measured by how many embarrassing and future mortifying pictures I can get of my kids.

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