Category Archives: Website Pictures

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Aidan flies

The end of summer is fast approaching.  I start back at work in two weeks and Aidan starts kindergarten in three weeks.  Aidan is making the most of the summer days he has left by not only becoming a swimming pro but also conquering his fear of jumping off a diving board.

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Can’t swim

Aidan has a fear of trying anything that he can’t explain or can’t control. Take swimming for example. Where as most kids his age would dive into a pool without thinking about it, Aidan refuses to get into one unless he knows he can feel the bottom of the pool if he stands up or he is latched on to someone. When Aidan was three we were able to get Aidan to swim on his own but it took a lot of work. Unfortunately, by the time Aidan did get over his fear of being in the pool summer was over. We were back to square one the next summer and here we are two years later with Aidan more terrified than ever to swim on his own and extremely stubborn to learn how to.

This video was taken last Sunday (June 07) at my MIL’s place. It was at the pinnacle of Aidan’s pigheadedness… William was deaf for the next four hours! It’s hilarious.


Click on picture to view video.

June 11, 2009 – Edited to add: I got a few responses empathizing with Aidan and his fear of swimming. FYI, after Aidan’s deafening response to the pool William and I have decided to back down. We know Aidan will learn to swim eventually. We will just wait till he is ready.

Aidan is five

Aidan celebrated his fifth birthday a little over a month ago. I’m so proud of my boy. He has come so far from the puny 4 lb 5 oz peanut that he was.

Here is a link to some samples of what he is capable of doing: Samples of Aidan’s Writing & Drawing. I must warn you that I do a lot of bragging here. So if you don’t want to read me boasting about my boy then I suggest you move on to the pictures from Aidan’s birthday party. Otherwise, enjoy. 😀

And finally, here are some pictures from Aidan’s fifth birthday. He was looking forward to it for quite a long time and the party did not fail to please. We started the celebration with his birthday cup cake and his birthday present. We then moved the festivities to his Montessori where he was the prince for the day. We concluded the merriment with a bash at home which was attended by his family and friends… and the Lego Man. Enjoy the pictures: Aidan’s Fifth Birthday.

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