Category Archives: Kids

Summer fun

William seems to be a little annoyed that they last post he has been seeing for the past few weeks is about me joining Twitter.  He is irritated that I haven’t updated the blog with progress about the kids swimming or about anything fun that we have done so far.  Well SORRY!  I’ve been enjoying my summer too much to be bothered to sit in front of the computer and actually think.  It requires too much brain power and my brain went on vacation a while ago.  You know William, you have access to the blog.  You are more than welcome to write about anything your heart desires up here.  But, while we wait for your creative juices to get flowing I will do as you wish and update our audience about the happenings of the Dubel clan.

For starters, two weeks ago I enrolled the kids in swimming classes.  Aidan’s swimming abilities have a come a long way since I posted the “Can’t swim” video.  He is now capable of swimming on his own for a length of time.  Mark’s swimming on his own as well and he is remarkably good at it.  I am so proud of Mark’s accomplishment especially since he just started learning and he can swim on his own already.  According to the boys’ instructor, Aidan and Mark are his best swimmers.  Imagine that!  Caitlin had a rough start.  She was not happy the first week of class but now she is doing belly flops off the side of the pool and loving every minute in the water.  She has not grasped the concept of swimming yet – kick your legs, swing your arms, float – but she loves gliding in the water from person to person.  That girl has no fear!

Additionally, the family and I have taken the opportunity to visit a couple of museums.  We visited the AZ Museum of Science for Father’s Day.  It was part of William’s Father’s Day surprise.  The museum had a LEGO exhibit that I thought William and the kids would enjoy.  I wonder which part of his Father’s Day surprise William will remember:

  • Me sending the kids to wake him up with the pictures/cards they drew for him,
  • Being served breakfast in bed which he did not really want,
  • Receiving a LEGO gift that he already had,
  • Lunch at a stuffy tea house that he choose, or
  • The time spent at the museum. 

My guess is it is the kids running in giddy with happiness to be able to wake their dad; that is what he will remember the most.  (PS:  The kids joy in waking daddy with the pictures they drew had the added benefits of making him feel guilty for not making an effort to do anything special for me on Mother’s Day. That was unintentional yet delightful bonus for me.)  We also went to the AZ Museum of Natural History with Aidan’s friend, Shrey, and his mom.  The museums were a lot of fun – lots of quality time spent with the family and friends.

All in all I have been having a blast this summer.  Now that I have joined the work force I am appreciating all the things I took for granted when I was a SAHM, for example time spent with the kids.  Time has become a precious commodity and its something I don’t have much of when I am working and life is hectic and busy.  Right now, I’m just enjoying the easy going, carefree life doing things I love to do like cooking, baking, hanging out with the kids, shopping, etc.  Yup, life is good.  It’s sad that I only have a month left before life goes back to being crazy so I making the most of it.  

Of course I do have pictures of the fun we have been having this summer.  I’ll put them up as soon as I get motivated.  It gives you something to look forward to.

Halloween 2008

I love Halloween but not for the candy.  I love Halloween because it is fun to dress up the kids in costumes and watch as they go from house to house delighted about the candy they are receiving.  More importantly, I love Halloween because it heralds the coming of the holiday season.  Soon we will have Veteran’s day, and Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.  All wonderful holidays spent with family and loved ones.  Holidays that I’m especially looking forward to this year since my new job has sapped any and all time I have to spend with them.

Halloween this year is probably going to be my most memorable because I ended up hobbling down the streets and going to bed with a throbbing foot and barley being able to walk.  I had managed to twist my foot (heard some cracking in the process too) while doing cross walk duty at work.  I could have sat Halloween out but then Caitlin would not have been able to go trick-or-treating since William already had his hands full with Mark and Aidan.  I also didn’t want to miss out on seeing my boys delight as they went from door-to-door gathering their goodies.  So I limped down the streets Caitlin in tow watching as she marveled in her freedom to run up and down the sidewalks. 

Needless to say by the time I got home I could barely stand.  I was terrified that I had broken my foot and then aggravated the situation by going trick-or-treating with the kids.  Went to sleep with a bag of frozen peas on my foot and woke up the next day with my foot feeling miraculously better.  Thank goodness.  Still limping about a bit because the foot still hurts a bit but I think with time it will feel better.

I know it was dumb to do what I did cause I could have done some serious damage to my foot but I loved watching my kids enjoying their Halloween.  If I had to do it all again with my foot in such a condition, I would do it in a heart beat!  Leaving you with some pictures of the kids in their Halloween costume and trick-or-treating.  Enjoy.

Halloween 2008
Click on image to view more pictures

Sinking in quick sand

Work does not officially start till tomorrow and already I feel overwhelmed, frustrated, lost, etc.   I knew I had a lot of work ahead of me but I wasn’t aware of its magnitude.

So here is the gist of it:

I emailed the VP about two weeks ago asking for some information so that I could get a head start on my preparation.  Never received a reply.  Friday last week got a letter in the mail from the school (it was a mass mailing to all the school’s teachers) stating the schedule for the upcoming week.  Letter also says that we can come in before our contracted start date to get our classroom organize… yay, that sounds good. 

Go in on Monday, with all three kids, to get my classroom key and survey what I needed to do with my room… apparently a lot.  Go introduce myself to the next door teacher.  Turns out she will be my mentor teacher… yay again, as I’ve heard really nice things about her teaching style.  She says that we need to meet so that we could go over what supplies I need, etc, and my kids can tag along to the meeting.  I know better about bringing the kids but I am desperate to get stated and organized.  I agree and ask what time she will be in on Tuesday (as I try to stop the kids from grabbing at her stuff).  She says, around 11 am.  I say okay, I should be here.  I arrange with William to watch the kids Tuesday morning so that I can meet with mentor teacher, hoping to have at least one “kid-free” hour with her.

Go in on Tuesday morning and find out from another teacher that I won’t be meeting with mentor teacher alone; she has scheduled a Math team meeting for 11:30 am.  What?  Had I known this was going to be a more formal meeting I would have tried to reschedule it for a later time.  We also had an impromptu meeting with the principal.  William had meetings scheduled for the afternoon so he drops the kids off at school on his way to work.  The kids behave during the meeting with the principal.  We go to the mentor’s room for the team meeting. 

My big mistake is permitting Aidan to play with the computer in her room.  He starts messing with it and I tell him no more computer.  He freaks out.  I put him in my room hoping he will calm down.  Not happening!  He spends the next hour or so screaming at the top of his lungs and we can hear it in the next room.  By now it’s past 1 pm and past the babies nap time.  Mark and Caitlin are wandering round the room, pulling stuff, going under tables, getting in to boxes, etc.  At one point Caitlin is running around with scissors!  I spend the meeting chasing after the kids and apologizing for them and for myself.  The mentor says its okay but I am not feeling reassured.  Towards the end of the meeting Mark poops.  I don’t want to be rude and I’m still grasp at important information that I am missing because I am running after the kids so I don’t want to leave the meeting.  I cringe every time Mark passes the table thinking about how everybody has to suffer through Mark’s foul odor.  By now Caitlin is complaining because she is tired.  Then she poops.  At two o’clock I tell the mentor I can’t do it anymore.  The kids are tired and the babies have pooped. 

I stay a little bit longer to have her look and critique my classroom policies and procedures handout.  I change the babies diapers.  Then with a backpack filled with 2 heavy teacher edition books, a diaper bag, a plastic bag containing two dirty diapers, a still crying Aidan, and two tired babies, I leave the school with whatever shreds of dignity and pride I can muster up.  I’m thinking about how I have just destroyed any image I may have of being a capable teacher.  If I am looking frustrated when my kids are getting into everything and I can’t even handle my own kids, how am I going to be able to handle 150 teenagers?  What must my mentor and the other math teachers thing of me?

I’m in a daze for the rest of the day.  After the kids go to bed I stare at the computer for hours not knowing what to do next.  I finally get up and head to Walmart and wander the aisles aimlessly.  I go out to the parking lot and can’t remember where my car is.  I’m a mess and my brain is like mush.  There is a lot of things I need to do before Friday of next week but I don’t know what it is I need to do.  Most of that information was discussed at the meeting today but I obviously didn’t hear it.  I sent an email to mentor teacher last night hoping to schedule a meeting with her for when I didn’t have to watch the kids.  Still waiting to hear from her.

I start work tomorrow at 7:45 am.  I’ll be in meetings all the way till 4:00 pm.  This is basically my schedule till school starts on August 4.  I need to get my room set up before Meet-the-Teacher night on August 1.  With the school closing at 5 pm I only have a limited time to get my room organized before next Friday.  I don’t know where to start.  I don’t know what I need in terms of supplies.  I know I need pens and paper, beyond that I am clueless and lost.

I feel helpless.

Edited to add:  Received a reply from mentor.  She is going to meet me tomorrow (Thursday) after I get done with all my other meetings.  All hope is not lost… yet.

My kids are midgets

Aidan and Caitlin had their well baby appointments last week and both of them weighed in at the low one percentile of their weight charts.  Aidan, at 4 years, weighs 28.5 lbs (12.9 kg) and Caitlin, at nine months, weighs 15.65 lbs (7.1 kg).  Height wise they are around the 20th and 15th percentile respectively (Aidan measured in at 39.5 inches and Caitlin at 25.5 inches).  Neither William nor I are worried about these low numbers.  Given that he is tall and ultra skinny and I’m short and “healthy” it is no surprise to us that our kids are so tiny.  But it is funny to hear the doctors try to “put us at ease” about our kids growth.  Sometimes I think they are more worried about the growth than we are and they are talking out loud in order to make themselves feel better about it.

Anyway, as I was saying, Aidan had his four year well baby appointment which is a big one for kids.  They get their vision and hearing checked and they get a round of booster shots.  William took Aidan to get his hearing and vision tested while I stayed in the room with Caitlin and Mark.  When they came back from the tests, the report I got from William was very funny.  Aidan was really excited about the procedure.

Nurse:  Aidan look into the microscope and tell me what you see.
Aidan:  I see pictures.
Nurse:  What pictures do you see?
Aidan:  I see pictures.
Nurse:  (Shows Aidan a copy of the images that is under the microscope).  Can you tell me what these pictures are?  Aidan correctly identifies the pictures.
Nurse:  Can you tell me which pictures you see under there (pointing to the microscope).
Aidan:  (Looks through the microscope) I see ‘A’.  I see pictures!
Nurse to William:  He will have to redo the eye test at his five year well baby appointment.

She proceeds to check his hearing and place a headphone on his head.
Nurse:  Aidan raise you hand when you hear the music.
Aidan raises his hand.
Nurse:  No Aidan, raise you hand when you hear the music.
Aidan raises his hand.
Nurse:  The music is not on.
Aidan raises his hand, higher, higher.

Needless to say the tests were inconclusive.

Also, Aidan said the cutest things about Caitlin.  When the doctor was examining his sister he told her, “She’s a princess.”  And when it was Caitlin’s turn to get her shots (after he had gotten his) he tells the nurse, “Don’t hurt her.”  It makes me proud that Aidan is such a wonderful and caring big brother.

PS:  In case you are curious, I just measured Mark.  He weighs 23 lbs (10.4 kg) and is approximately 34 inches tall.

Aidan get’s his weight checked


I had this whole post ready to rant about how lackluster my 30th birthday celebration was.  It was, in one word, forgettable. 

Normally, I’m happy to be able to go out to dinner to celebrate my birthday, but I was hoping for something more this year.  After all, I was closing the door to one decade (a pretty eventful one at that too) and ushering in another.  And, after trying hard to make sure William (who doesn’t care for birthday celebrations) had a 30th birthday he’d have fond memories of, I was hoping he would return the favor.  Sadly, he fell short of my expectations… very, very short.

To William’s defense, he did try to make this birthday special.  He asked me if I wanted to have some friends over for a celebration but considering I only have two friends living in Arizona, both of whom have other commitments, I wasn’t excited about it.  He tried to think of something fun to get me… something I would like and would find useful.  The best he could come up with was an update for the navigation system in the car… fun!

The day wasn’t all bad though.  We did go out to dinner… woo hoo!  I’m grateful that my in-laws were able to join us even though it was a last minute invite.  And the best present I got that night – all three kids were surprisingly well behaved.  Thanks kids.

Like I said at the beginning, I was going to complain about my boring 30th birthday but I’ve moved on to bigger and better things… planning for Aidan’s fourth birthday.  🙂

I leave you with a few pictures of the “momentous” occasion.  The first picture is completely staged, but I had to do something to help me remember this event.  As for the last picture, in addition to an updated navigation system William also got me some lilies and a birthday balloon.

30th Birthday Cake

30th Birthday Gift

Field trip to the Phoenix Zoo

Animals in the Phoenix Zoo be afraid… be very afraid… the Dubels’ are coming to visit!

William and I had a computer scare this past week.  It’s seems that one of my hard drives is corrupted and ate up most of the pictures from our trip to the Phoenix Zoo.  Needless to say I was depressed about the loss, but thankfully William was able to do some hocus-pocus and recover all of the pictures.  Gotta love that man!  Thanks to him you are now able to view our family trip to the zoo.  Enjoy.

Field trip to the Phoenix Zoo