Category Archives: Kids

Moving on up

I can’t believe we are almost at the end of February!  I’m a little annoyed at myself because so many fun things have happened in the past month that I wanted to blog about but never got around to doing it.  Instead of spending my nights on the computer I opted to lounge in my bed, relishing the peace and quiet of the night.  Anyway, here is a run down of this eventful month…

On February 10, 2008, Mark moved from sleeping in the crib to sleeping in a big-boy bed.  I was nervous about this move as I did not think Mark was ready for it, but considering Caitlin has become mobile and has outgrown her bassinet, we didn’t have much choice.  The first night he kept getting out of bed.  I think he may have been excited about his new surroundings and that he wasn’t imprisoned in his crib anymore… he wanted a taste of his freedom.  In order to curb this behavior, William or I would put him back in his crib (without his lovey) and wait till he had calmed down before moving him back to the bed.  We had to do this at least three more times.  He finally got tired of playing his game and we were able to move a half asleep Mark to spend his first night in his big-boy bed.  The next night wasn’t so bad.  He did get out of his bed twice.  The first time we did the whole put-him-in-the-crib thing.  By the second time, he had finally figured out what the repercussion was for getting out of bed that when he saw me coming for him, he ran back to his bed and did not get out of it till the next morning.  Bedtime has been smooth sailing ever since.  Naptime, on the other hand, is another story.  I did put him in the crib as a punishment for getting out of bed during naptime, but once I moved Caitlin to the crib, that wasn’t an option for me.  Naptime is increasingly difficult on the rare occasions that Aidan takes a nap.  Then Mark is so excited to have his brother in the room that he continues playing, banging walls, and screaming long after Aidan has fallen asleep.  In such occasions I have no choice but to take him out of the room and let him go without a nap that day.  I would rather have one child get a good nap than have two ornery boys on my hands.

The Boys New Bed
Aidan tests out his and Mark’s new bed.

Big Boy Mark
Mark’s first night in his big-boy bed.

In other news, Caitlin has decided to skip working on her crawl (she seems to be happy to scoouch around) and has moved on to more serious matters… sitting up.  Currently she can get herself into a tripod position, balancing herself with one arm while seated.  Of course I need to keep an eye on her because she is still not strong enough to hold herself up for too long and often ends up rolling around and sometimes knocking her head on something and getting really mad.  Also, a few days after Mark graduated to his big-boy bed, Caitlin was moved to her big-baby girl room.  I’m so excited because my house now has a baby girl’s room with a baby girl sleeping in it.  Also, I must admit, I’m enjoying having my room back.  It’s a luxury for me to be able to relax in bed at night and enjoy the silence.  I also like that I don’t have to worry about tip-toeing around the room in fear of waking the baby.

In the tripod position.

Caitlin can briefly support herself in the upright seated position.

One more thing before I end this post, I had a very special Valentine this year.  Now that I think about it, I think it deserves a post of it’s own.  So be on the look out for my post on my special Valentine.  🙂

The end!!

Sick house

The kids have contracted a nasty cold that has taken a toll in the household.  Caitlin was the first to show signs of it last week.  Although her temperature ranged from 99.9 to 100.2 it never went high enough to require a visit to the doctor.  With the help of a humidifier, Baby Vicks, and lots of feeding she was able to get through the worst.  Her temperature has since returned to normal and all that is left is a nasty sounding cough and lots of phlegm.  My poor little princess.  It is heart breaking to hear her suffer with such an adult sounding cough.

Mark came down with the cold as soon as Caitlin started getting better.  A day later, Aidan got it too.  I feel terrible for Mark.  All he wanted was to be held and carried around.  But with Aidan and Caitlin not doing so well, my time had to be divided and I could only do so much for him.  It seemed that the only place he would stay calm was in his crib and so that was where he hung out for the past few days.  I hated putting him in the crib when he was feeling so miserable.  I felt guilty because it seemed like I was choosing my oldest and youngest child over my middle child.  But I’m only one person trying my best to manage three sick babies; my choices were limited and letting Mark hang out in the crib was the best option I had.

Thankfully Aidan didn’t seem to be hit too hard with the cold.  He had the worst of it on Sunday and now seems to be back to his normal, complaining self.  As a precaution I didn’t take him to school today but I have been feeling bad about it especially since Aidan was ready to get dressed and head to school after breakfast.  The problem was that he was already an hour late to a two hour school session.  I’m sure he’ll be ecstatic when he goes back on Thursday. 

And finally, with three kids suffering from this nasty cold, there was no way for me to avoid getting it.  I don’t think I have it as bad as the kids did but I have been feeling highly unmotivated lately and lacking of a lot of patience.

Anyway, I’m thankful that my kids are getting over it and all that is left of this virus is a choir of coughing.  Hopefully that will go away soon too.  I can’t wait!  I’m looking forward to rinsing everything with extra hot water and lysoling everything I can!!!