Sick house

The kids have contracted a nasty cold that has taken a toll in the household.  Caitlin was the first to show signs of it last week.  Although her temperature ranged from 99.9 to 100.2 it never went high enough to require a visit to the doctor.  With the help of a humidifier, Baby Vicks, and lots of feeding she was able to get through the worst.  Her temperature has since returned to normal and all that is left is a nasty sounding cough and lots of phlegm.  My poor little princess.  It is heart breaking to hear her suffer with such an adult sounding cough.

Mark came down with the cold as soon as Caitlin started getting better.  A day later, Aidan got it too.  I feel terrible for Mark.  All he wanted was to be held and carried around.  But with Aidan and Caitlin not doing so well, my time had to be divided and I could only do so much for him.  It seemed that the only place he would stay calm was in his crib and so that was where he hung out for the past few days.  I hated putting him in the crib when he was feeling so miserable.  I felt guilty because it seemed like I was choosing my oldest and youngest child over my middle child.  But I’m only one person trying my best to manage three sick babies; my choices were limited and letting Mark hang out in the crib was the best option I had.

Thankfully Aidan didn’t seem to be hit too hard with the cold.  He had the worst of it on Sunday and now seems to be back to his normal, complaining self.  As a precaution I didn’t take him to school today but I have been feeling bad about it especially since Aidan was ready to get dressed and head to school after breakfast.  The problem was that he was already an hour late to a two hour school session.  I’m sure he’ll be ecstatic when he goes back on Thursday. 

And finally, with three kids suffering from this nasty cold, there was no way for me to avoid getting it.  I don’t think I have it as bad as the kids did but I have been feeling highly unmotivated lately and lacking of a lot of patience.

Anyway, I’m thankful that my kids are getting over it and all that is left of this virus is a choir of coughing.  Hopefully that will go away soon too.  I can’t wait!  I’m looking forward to rinsing everything with extra hot water and lysoling everything I can!!!

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