Technologically advanced

Yesterday I noticed that Aidan had renamed his Internet icon to “aidan.”  The boy can’t even draw a straight line but he can type out his name.  Looks like Aidan is going to learn to type before he learns to write.



4 thoughts on “Technologically advanced

  1. MsCutePants

    Now that is bloody hilarious. I can’t believe he knows what the F2 function is all about. Wasn’t he like born yesterday? He definitely belongs to Gen Tech (as they should call it).

  2. MsCutePants

    (I’m extending on Charnesse’s comment here…Hi Charnesse!)…

    Actually, I once read that a boy gets his smart brainy gene from his mother BUT for a girl, it’s from both her parents (which unfortunately means if daddy ain’t smart, sorry baby girl, it ain’t happening).

    Rosh, I know you’re brimming with a lil’ extra pride right about now…and yes we know Caitlyn’s going to be smart & brainy too…

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