Can’t swim

Aidan has a fear of trying anything that he can’t explain or can’t control. Take swimming for example. Where as most kids his age would dive into a pool without thinking about it, Aidan refuses to get into one unless he knows he can feel the bottom of the pool if he stands up or he is latched on to someone. When Aidan was three we were able to get Aidan to swim on his own but it took a lot of work. Unfortunately, by the time Aidan did get over his fear of being in the pool summer was over. We were back to square one the next summer and here we are two years later with Aidan more terrified than ever to swim on his own and extremely stubborn to learn how to.

This video was taken last Sunday (June 07) at my MIL’s place. It was at the pinnacle of Aidan’s pigheadedness… William was deaf for the next four hours! It’s hilarious.


Click on picture to view video.

June 11, 2009 – Edited to add: I got a few responses empathizing with Aidan and his fear of swimming. FYI, after Aidan’s deafening response to the pool William and I have decided to back down. We know Aidan will learn to swim eventually. We will just wait till he is ready.

3 thoughts on “Can’t swim

  1. Lori

    Awww, poor Aidan. We did much better a few summer’s back at my grandparent’s pool (remember, we even had him floating on his back)! HAHAHA, natural defense”…Will, you crack me up (I especially like Roshani hysterically laughing in the background)!

  2. Vaishali

    Hi Roshni, your kids are beautiful and while I feel sorry for Aidan, I think this video is hilarious. It could win America’s Funniest Home Videos! Have you thought about sending it in?

    Tigerbutt says: I did think about submitting the video to AFV. Then I got concerend that we may reported to Child Services for possible abuse so I dismissed the idea. Thanks for the comment. 🙂

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