Second thoughts

William, my editor-in-chief, made a comment about my last post.  According to him, the recent post does not compare to the caliber of my other posts.  In one word, it was “boring!”  My answer to him:  I didn’t write this post to please anyone.  I wrote it because I wanted to get it off my chest with the hopes that it would help me get over my depression. 

Which begs the question, has writing the post helped?  My answer:  yes and no.  I’m slowly getting over my misery but it is not completely gone away and I doubt that I will get rid of it soon.  There are always thoughts of things I could have done or should have done that creep into my mind and bring me back to my feelings of inadequacy.  Doesn’t help much that William has to ask me as often as possible, how my state mind is, is it better than it was 5 days ago, am I happy… etc.  I know he means well, but every time he asks me these questions I am just reminded of everything I want to forget.

I’m trying really hard to think positively.  Like I’ve said before, everything happens for a reason.  This being said, considering classroom management is my weakness, facing this experience will only help make me a better teacher.  William tells me to look at this experience as a teacher’s boot camp, and that is how I’m trying to view it.  What doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger… right?  Right!

2 thoughts on “Second thoughts

  1. Sheryl

    Never mind what William says. Writing is very cathartic…even if it takes a few days afterward to seem so. It sounds to me like he hasn’t learned yet that women don’t want men to attempt to fix things, just to listen and provide gentle support

    Tigerbutt says: Lol. Thanks for the support Sheryl.


    Oh William! You’re going to get a lot of slack for that comment. 🙂

    Rosh, write away. It’s healing and you’re not writing to please anyone. If someone doesn’t like what you have written well then they can stop reading…it’s just like flipping a channel.

    And a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!

    Tigerbutt says: Thank you Ms. Cute Pants and a Happy New Year to you too.

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