Category Archives: Caitlin

My kids are midgets

Aidan and Caitlin had their well baby appointments last week and both of them weighed in at the low one percentile of their weight charts.  Aidan, at 4 years, weighs 28.5 lbs (12.9 kg) and Caitlin, at nine months, weighs 15.65 lbs (7.1 kg).  Height wise they are around the 20th and 15th percentile respectively (Aidan measured in at 39.5 inches and Caitlin at 25.5 inches).  Neither William nor I are worried about these low numbers.  Given that he is tall and ultra skinny and I’m short and “healthy” it is no surprise to us that our kids are so tiny.  But it is funny to hear the doctors try to “put us at ease” about our kids growth.  Sometimes I think they are more worried about the growth than we are and they are talking out loud in order to make themselves feel better about it.

Anyway, as I was saying, Aidan had his four year well baby appointment which is a big one for kids.  They get their vision and hearing checked and they get a round of booster shots.  William took Aidan to get his hearing and vision tested while I stayed in the room with Caitlin and Mark.  When they came back from the tests, the report I got from William was very funny.  Aidan was really excited about the procedure.

Nurse:  Aidan look into the microscope and tell me what you see.
Aidan:  I see pictures.
Nurse:  What pictures do you see?
Aidan:  I see pictures.
Nurse:  (Shows Aidan a copy of the images that is under the microscope).  Can you tell me what these pictures are?  Aidan correctly identifies the pictures.
Nurse:  Can you tell me which pictures you see under there (pointing to the microscope).
Aidan:  (Looks through the microscope) I see ‘A’.  I see pictures!
Nurse to William:  He will have to redo the eye test at his five year well baby appointment.

She proceeds to check his hearing and place a headphone on his head.
Nurse:  Aidan raise you hand when you hear the music.
Aidan raises his hand.
Nurse:  No Aidan, raise you hand when you hear the music.
Aidan raises his hand.
Nurse:  The music is not on.
Aidan raises his hand, higher, higher.

Needless to say the tests were inconclusive.

Also, Aidan said the cutest things about Caitlin.  When the doctor was examining his sister he told her, “She’s a princess.”  And when it was Caitlin’s turn to get her shots (after he had gotten his) he tells the nurse, “Don’t hurt her.”  It makes me proud that Aidan is such a wonderful and caring big brother.

PS:  In case you are curious, I just measured Mark.  He weighs 23 lbs (10.4 kg) and is approximately 34 inches tall.

Aidan get’s his weight checked

One small step for man, one giant leap for Caitlin

Caitlin took a step today, then another, and another, and another…

Although crawling is still her primary mode of transportation, it won’t be long before it is replaced with walking, and climbing, and jumping, and all the other fun things that come along with being able travel on two feet.

Caitlin Walks
Click on image to view video

PS:  For those that are interested, according to the ticker on her web page, Caitlin is 8 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days old today.

PPS:  Here’s a link if you have dial up connection:  Caitlin Walks – Dial Up.


Can you recognize this animated character come to life?


Here is a hint:  She is one of the lead characters in Disney/Pixar’s animated movie Monsters Inc.

Give up?

It’s Boo.


Caitlin stands

Caitlin is eight months old today.  In addition to perfecting her “pincer grip” she has also mastered her ability to stand up… and letting her doll know who’s the boss.  Here is the proof:  

Caitlin Stands
Click on image to start video

PS:  In case you have a dial-up connection this may work better but the video quality is poor:  Caitlin Stands (dial-up).

Plumb – In My Arms

I’m going to apologize in advance… this post is just a rambling of random thoughts.

I was having one of my weekly mini meltdowns today with regards to putting Caitilin in daycare.  Doesn’t help that I was reading about how babies will suffer from separation anxiety from the age of 8 months up to 18 months.  It also doesn’t help that she is already showing signs of it.  She gets upsets if I were to leave her in a room to play by herself.  She just breaks down and starts sobbing so bad you think she hurt herself.  My heart breaks every time I think of our impending fate and I don’t know how I am going to handle it.

Caitlin did the sweetest thing today. I was on the floor applying lotion on Mark,  She came over, pulled herself up, and laid her little head on my shoulder.  There she stood for a while, supporting herself on my chest, happy to be next to her mom.  My heart melted.  She is my little princess and all I want to do is protect her and keep her safe for as long as I can.

On my way home from the grocery store today, I heard the song “In My Arms” by Plumb.  It immediately made me think of my kids.  I also thought about how mothers try so hard to protect their babies, no matter how hard it may be.  I love the song… the lyrics are so powerful.  You can check out her MySpace page to listen to it; let me know what you think.  Did I mention that I love this song?  It’s become my new favorite song.  Anyway, here are the lyrics to it.


In My Arms

Your baby blues
So full of wonder
Your Curly Que’s
Your contagious smile
And as I watch
You start to grow up
All I can do is hold you tight

Clouds will rage in
Storms will race in
But you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down
Waves will crash all around
But you will be safe in my arms

Story books
Are full of fairy-tales
Of kings and queens
And the bluest skies
My heart is torn just in knowing
You’ll someday see
The truth for lies

Clouds will rage in
Storms will race in
But you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down
Waves will crash all around
But you will be safe in my arms

Castles they might crumble
Dreams may not come true
Cause you are never all alone
Cause I will always
Always love you

Hey I
Hey I
Will love

Clouds will rage in
Storms will race in
But you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down
Waves will crash all around
But you will be safe in my arms
In my arms

Land shark

Aidan was nine months when he got his fist tooth and Mark was ten months when his came in.  Ten days shy of seven months, I wasn’t expecting to see any signs of Caitlin’s first tooth for at least two more months.  So you can imagine how surprised I was when I felt the sharp budding of her first tooth while massaging her gums yesterday.  The tooth is still not visible but it definitely can be felt.  I just hope that she does not turn out to be a biter!  🙂

Btw, the title for this post came from my MIL’s response when I texted her with the news of Caitlin’s tooth.

Standing ovation

Much to her delight, Caitlin can now pull herself up.  You should see her joy at her latest accomplishment. 

I’ve said it before and I will say it again… She is growing up much too fast!


Growing up too soon

And so it comes to be… with the introduction of solid foods in her diet, Caitlin has taken her first step towards gaining her independence from me.  It was a bittersweet moment for me when I fed her the first spoon of cereal.  Even though I was excited for her I kept thinking about how fast she is growing up… too fast for me.  Oh well, I can’t keep her my baby girl forever even if I tried. 

Here are pictures from the momentous occasion – Caitlin’s First Taste of Solid Food.  Enjoy.