Category Archives: Mark

Fight for independence

There is a war brewing inside my household. The chief instigator – Mark. His enemy – the world! It looks like the “terrible twos” have hit him early.

Poor Mark, he is at that stage where he wants to do everything himself, e.g. dress himself, feed himself, etc. Unfortunately, he still hasn’t fully developed all the skills necessary to do these tasks on his own. Herein lies the problem. Take for example when he tries to put his shorts on. First he has to choose which pair of shorts he wants to wear. Heaven forbid you decide for him. Then he wants to put it on by himself (for this reason I have hidden the button up shorts). I let him do so as I watch on the side lines. Inevitably he ends up with both legs in one hole, gets mad and throws a fit. In comes mommy to try and help and there goes Mark filled with rage, flinging himself on the wall, banging his head on the dresser, and throwing himself on the floor.

You may think I am exaggerating Mark’s actions, but alas I am not. I have come to realize that Mark is a very passionate little boy… so giving with his love but watch out for his anger. I also realize that it is hard for him. As he tries to become independent he keeps running into obstacles that end up infuriating him. I know his frustration is a normal part of growing up, but Mark takes his aggravation to the extreme.

The frustration with dressing himself is only one part of the battle that I have to deal with. Mark has also developed the “mine” attitude. Everything now belongs to him, everything has to be done his way, and he wants what he wants when he wants it. Heaven help you if you try to prove him wrong. Besides throwing his tantrums and screaming at the top of his lungs, he will also attack you! He will charge at you with fists balled up and he will punch you. Sometimes I find it humorous to see this tiny, little person trying to make sure you know he is mad, but most times it is annoying.

I was discussing Mark’s behavior with William recently and mentioning how I can’t remember Aidan being so bad. William laughed and called me crazy. He then proceeded to remind me how Aidan was constantly put in time-out because he would scream and act up for the no reason. It got so bad with Aidan that we tried not to go out with him too often because we did not want to deal with his tantrums in public.

I guess I must have conveniently blacked out memories of Aidan’s terrible twos… perhaps to help me deal with round two. Those memories are coming back though. Now whenever Mark goes berserk I have flashbacks of Aidan doing the same thing or something similar.

Thankfully Aidan is almost past the terrible twos stage (every now and then he regresses) and in two years Mark will be coming out of it. The bad new, Caitlin will be starting her terrible twos. Seems like there is no rest for this weary traveler.

Four years from now, if I’ve made it thorough this war with some semblance of my sanity then I believe I deserve an award for surviving six straight years of the terrible twos. Till then, pray for me.


That’s what comes to mind whenever I see Mark getting himself into trouble. The Sinhalese word Chandiya, loosely translated in English, means rouge or street gangster. Okay, by no means is Mark a gangster of any sort but he is definitely a dare devil. This boy has fallen on his head more times than I can count (and definitely more times than Aidan had when he was Mark’s age). Yet he still gets up, and after a short cry and some consoling, repeats the same action that got him hurt in the first place.

Which makes me wonder… Does his age have a role to play in his fearlessness? Do 18 month old infants even understand the concept of fear and/or cause and effect? You think after he falls off the dining chair and hits his head on the tile floor that he would have learned his lesson. Nope, not Mark! Five minutes after taking the fall he climbs right back up on to that exact same dining chair. One time he fell off the chair twice within half an hour. By the second fall, he couldn’t even walk straight. I was so afraid that he had suffered a concussion or something more serious and I kept checking on him throughout the night.

Now you are thinking why don’t I just watch the boy and make sure he doesn’t climb on stuff. Trust me, I watch him. As much as I can, cause I still have my chores to do, in addition to looking after Aidan. That little creature is fast. As soon as I take him off the chair, he climbs right back up again. His latest trick is climbing up the bar stools. This terrifies me cause instead of a foot fall he now has horrible, HORRIBLE, two and a half feet fall onto tile floors. The boy is crazy! So, in an attempt to try and deter him, we have hidden the stools away in the closet. My kitchen now feel empty without the stools cause that’s where hubby and visitors would sit and chat with me while I prepare dinner. Oh well, I’d rather taken the emptiness than have to deal with a trip to the emergency room.

I leave you with a picture of Mark indulging in his newest obsession… teeth brushing. He loves to climb into the sink, turn on the faucet, and chew on his toothbrush.


Lemon eater

For an 18 month old, Mark sure does enjoy eating some out of the ordinary things.  For instance, he often comes back from the yard with his face covered in dirt and his mouth filled with mud.  I know eating dirt is not that crazy for a kid his age and that there maybe other babies out there who eat the same.  What’s funny about this is that this dirt usually finds its way into his next dirty diaper which makes for one messy, grainy, clean up.  Recently, William mentioned that he found Mark lying face down on the concrete, trying to suck up the water that comes out of the air conditioner exhaust.  Gross! 

Oh, and Mark has taken to eating ice, a trait he has picked up from his dad (William chews ice almost all day, everyday).  He hands me an empty cup and points to the ice maker.  Once he has gotten his cup of crushed ice, he goes and sits in front of the T.V. happily munching on his cold treat.  It’s amusing how such a simple treat (if it can be called a treat) can please the boy.

And now for the main story…

Mark is often at my feet when I start making dinner, pulling and complaining and hovering… he’s almost comparable to a begging puppy.  On day, in order to appease him and get him out of my way, I gave him half of the lemon that I had just squeezed.  To my surprise he ate it… rind, pits, and all!

All smiles.

In your face.

Pucker up.

What’s left of the lemon!

Sunglasses At Night by Corey Heart

No I’m not mad! I just think the song is a perfect lead in for the latest web site of the boys that I uploaded today. Enjoy.


I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can
So I can
Watch you live and breathe your story lines

(And) I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can
So I can
Keep track of the visions in my eyes

While she’s deceiving me
It cuts my security (has)
She got control of me
I turn to her and say

Don’t switch the blade on the guy in shades, oh no
Don’t masquerade with the guy in shades, oh no
I can’t believe it
You got it made with the guy in shades, oh no

And) I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can
So I can
Forget my name while you collect your claim

And I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can
So I can
See the light that’s right before my eyes

While she’s deceiving me
She cuts my security (has)
She got control of me
I turn to her and say

Don’t switch the blade on the guy in shades, oh no
Don’t masquerade with the guy in shades, oh no
I can’t believe it!
Don’t be afraid of the guy in shades, oh no
It can’t escape you
‘Cause you got it made with the guy in shades, oh no

I said I wear my sunglasses
I wear my sunglasses at night
Wear my sunglasses at night


Have I got you singing the song? 😀

Ranting and maybe a little raving

Here’s my warning for all those who have just one kid don’t have have anymore, at least not until the one you have if old enough to know better and can be a helper rather than a pain.  And for those of us who have more than one, enjoy those rare moments that they are actually fun to watch.  Obviously, the kids drove me crazy yesterday, which is why I’m ranting like a mad woman today (needed a day to recuperate).

Let start with Aidan.  The guy was up before six a.m ready to play.  I have already given up the luxury of sleeping in late, there was no way that I was going to drag myself out of bed at that gawd awful hour to watch an overly energetic monkey jump off the walls.  But, I did drag myself out of bed, only to go hand him his Leapster and ask him to stay in bed and play with it till everybody else woke up.  Of course Aidan would not have any of that.  Instead, he chucked the Leapster on the floor and threw a fit.  I just left him to his tantrum and crawled back into bed praying that his screams of rage would not wake Mark up (and mercifully it did not).  Thankfully, by the time my brain started functioning, an hour later, he had calmed himself down and was lying in bed waiting for me.  But that was not the last I had seen of the monster that he hides inside. 

At around 10 am, I decided that the boys should take advantage of the gorgeous day and play outside.  I set up the pool, and lathered Mark with sunscreen.  When I went to get Aidan ready, guess what he did… yup he threw another tantrum.  It wasn’t like I was forcing him to go outside.  All I wanted to do was put some sunscreen on him just in case he decided to join Mark and me outside.  After much difficulty, I got the lotion on him and left him to stew in his anger but he would not let it go that easy.  He started chucking things and that is when I say RED!  Although I am not a supporter for spanking, there are times when I just can’t help myself and I always regret succumbing to my anger, but I was furious by this time (waking up before six didn’t help matters either).  I smacked Aidan’s bare bottom and threw him in he room and threatened him to stay on his bed… or else.  It’s sad that I had to resort to such drastic measures, but it seemed to have worked.  Once he came out of time out, he was very pleasant and played nicely with his brother outside.

Now moving on to Mark.  The boy has learned to climb.  He is on top of everything and his favorite place to be is on top of tables… kitchen table, computer table, and the scariest place for me, the glass patio table.  It seems the minute I turn around, he is on top of some table.  My heart dropped at least twice when I found him gleefully thumping away on top of the glass patio table.  And every time I would pick him off a table he would throw a fit, lying down on the floor kicking and screaming.

So between Aidan’s tantrums and Mark’s tantrums, you can see how I can go insane!  Miraculously, they both calmed down as we got closer to midday and naptime.  I spent the remaining part of their afternoon watching the boys play together on the slip n’ slide.  It was a rare moment in my day but as I sat there watching the two monster splash happily in the water, I was really grateful that I have them, even if they do drive me crazy.  I guess, it’s those little moments is time that make having kids and giving up all the luxuries of my previous life, so worth it.
