Pregnancy myths – true or false

Heidi Murkoff, the author of (what I call the pregnancy bible) What to Expect When You’re Expecting was on Sonoran Living yesterday discussing the latest edition of her book. On the show they discussed a few midwives tales which have been researched and shown to be valid. Here are a few of the old tales that I found interesting and my thoughts on them.

True or False: The more heartburn you have the more hair your baby will have.
Answer:  True.  The same hormones responsible for heartburn is responsible for the growth of fetal hair.
My thoughts:  This could explain how Caitlin came out so furry.  In addition to being born with a head full of hair, she also has the hairiest thighs I have ever seen on a little baby.  I don’t remember having heart burn while pregnant with Mark but he too came out with a bountiful of hair on his head.  He was not as hairy as Caitlin though.

True or False:  The more you are eating the more likely you are having a boy.
Answer:  True.  Research has found that if you are eating like a teenage boy then you are having a boy.  The good news, for the extra consumption, women carrying boys don’t gain any more weight than women carrying girls.
My thoughts:  I had a ravenous appetite while carrying my boys.  I ate, and ate, and ate!  I’m not sure about the “not gaining any more weight than women carrying girls,” but then I wasn’t eating healthy or working out.  I gained around 40 lbs with Aidan (I would have gained more if I had carried him to term) and 50+ lbs while carrying Mark.  With Caitlin, I often had cravings for salads and I worked out like crazy which helped me stay within the recommended weight gain restriction. 

True or False:  Pregnancy is the time to slack off on the couch.
Answer:  False.  Doctors recommend pregnant women get half an hour of exercise per day.
My thoughts:  I didn’t work out at all while I was carrying Aidan.  I worked out a little bit while I was carrying Mark but it was sporadic.  With Caitlin, I did weights and boxing until I was about five moths pregnant.  I then switched to doing the elliptical for at least 20 mins almost everyday for the remaining four months.  I’m sure there are other factors at play in addition to working out like a mad woman, but my pregnancy and labor and delivery with Caitlin has been the best pregnancy experience I have had so far.

True or False:  As you gain weight you lose brain cells.
Answer:  True.  Your brain is shrinking while you’re body is gaining all that weight, but it does grow back after delivery.
My thoughts:  TRUE, TRUE, TRUE!  Except for the brain cells growing back after delivery.  I think it takes a long, long time for those brain cells to come back.  Considering I have had three kids in the last four years, I think I just kept losing those brain cells without ever giving my brain a chance to grow some cells back.  I currently consider myself borderline retarded. 

To all the mothers (pregnant and not), and the future mothers-to-be, hope you find this information useful.  Also, I’m interested in knowing what your thoughts are on this topic.

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