Still waiting…

There’s a full moon tonight, not to mention the lunar eclipse we had early this morning.  My midwife mentioned how she has three mothers in labor today.  Sadly, neither one of those mothers is me.  I’m still holding on over here.  According to my latest check up, I am now 3 cm dilated, 90% effaced, and the baby’s head is at -2.  I’m not completely sure but I think I need to be 4 cm dilated and 100% effaced before I start having true labor contractions.  With the way I have been dilating, it may be another week before this baby shows up.

Here is an interesting tidbit I learned today.  This morning William asked me if there is a male version for the term midwife… something in the way of midhusband perhaps.   Turns out, there is no male version for that word, although there are male midwives.  They are mostly found in the military and yes, they do deliver babies.  The word midwife is translated from the old German word mit wife which means “with wife” or “with a woman” and was once a predominately female profession.  The reason I find this interesting is because it is the first profession that I have encountered where the label is biased towards women.  William thinks this is sexist!  LOL!

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