Public restrooms

What is it about my boys that they love to go to public restrooms?  Not so much Aidan but Mark.  It is inevitable that no sooner than when we have been seated Mark needs to go and he needs to go bad.  It doesn’t matter that we made him go before we left the house he still needs to go.  What is even more annoying about all of this is that Mark can hold for hours when we are at home.  It gets so bad that we have to yell at him to go after we see him doing the dance and strangling his family jewels.  He always fights with us when ask him to go.  Then we go out to grab a bite to eat and he needs to go every 15 minutes. 

One day I got so frustrated with Mark.  I had already taken the boys to the public restroom, Mark first and then Aidan 15 minutes later.  I had just gotten back with Aidan and was starting to eat dinner when Mark wanted to go again.  Annoyed, I told him to go in his pants.  Guess what he did?  He went in his pants in the middle of the restaurant.  I was about ready to strangle the boy.  He can squeeze and wait at home for hours but he couldn’t give me 15 minutes to eat dinner.  UGH!  And of course, I did not have a change of clothes for him.  All I had was Caitlin’s extra Pull-Up and so that was what he ended up wearing in place of his pants and underwear.  Mark was lucky that we were in a crowded place cause there is no saying what I would have done to him at that moment in time.

I have no idea how to curb my boys pleasure of using public restrooms.  I’m just hoping that one day they will grow out of it.  For now, I go to dinner armed with a can of Lysol and a change of clothes for emergencies.

And I am still disgusted.

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